Western Backroads

Welcome to Virgil and Marcia's blog. We take many weekend trips to places in Arizona and the Southwest. This is a place where family and friends can read about where we've been and what we've seen. Enjoy!

Monday, February 07, 2005


This past weekend Virgil, Mom, Dad, and I took a trip over to Quartzsite. Quartzsite is a snowbird's paradise about 2 hours straight west of Phoenix on I-10 where it makes a junction with US 95. During the winter, the area becomes crowded with all kinds of RVs - ranging from the rickety old Winnebago to a $200k motorbus. The official population of Quartzsite is around 3500, but during the winter, can reach close to 250,000.
So what's the big attraction? FLEA MARKETS! Here you'll find both old and new items. There are lots of booths that really cater toward the snowbirds, selling RV parts, accessories, and decorations. You name it, they've got it.
Finding a place to park your RV for the night is no problem either. There are several areas designated for "long term visitors." There are no designated campsites, all you have to do is pull your rig out into the desert and find a place that is suitable.
One thing that we like to do is star gaze. The sky is clear and it is dark enough (no lights on the ground to distract), that it's almost like being in a planetarium. We've even spotted several falling stars.We heard lots of coyotes howling during the night. Dad claims there were 62 coyotes on his first count, but only 60 on a 2nd try. Uh huh, sure.

Shopping for Fleas Posted by Hello

Quartzsite Campsite Posted by Hello

Friday, February 04, 2005

What fer?

It's no secret that Virgil and I do a lot of exploring. I decided, with a reaffirmation from my sister, to start this blog so that all of our friends and family in other parts of the country can see where we've been. Hopefully it will also help dispel the myth that Arizona is all desert.