We've Been Working on the House
3-13-07 - I'm dating this post 3-4-07 since that is when these pictures were taken. I just haven't had the time to get these posted in the last couple weeks.
While Marcia was gone on her trip to Iowa, I tried to get a bunch of work on the landscaping done. The palm trees needed to be trimmed, so I got the ladder and saw out and hacked at them for a couple hours. Looking much better now although they are still somewhat brown from the frost we had in January.

Since I had the saw out, I cut out the hideous oleander in the front yard. Now I just need to get the stumps dug out.

Trimming the palm trees and cutting out the oleander made a huge mess. I gathered everything up and got it loaded on the trailer.

With Marcia back on Sunday, we made a trip to the dump north of town. After you weigh on the scales, you drive around to the building with bays to back in and unload.

It only took us about 10 tries to get the timing right, but Marcia was finally able to get a good action shot of me unloading the wood.

One other project I worked on was scraping up all the landscaping rock from the north side of the pool and dumping it over in the area where there used to be grass. We are going to cover that area up and then get a couple loads of new rock to spread over the entire yard. In the picture below, you can see where I got all the rock removed and then we put down the pavers for a walkway and positioned our grill.

Here's a view of where I dumped all the rock. You can see I got the whole area covered except a small part behind the chiminea that still has some grass showing.

On Sunday after getting back from the dump, Marcia helped me haul some more rock. I had a huge pile that I had scraped up a few months back and we covered up the area in the front yard where the red dirt was. The following three pictures show the front after we finished.

While Marcia was gone on her trip to Iowa, I tried to get a bunch of work on the landscaping done. The palm trees needed to be trimmed, so I got the ladder and saw out and hacked at them for a couple hours. Looking much better now although they are still somewhat brown from the frost we had in January.
Since I had the saw out, I cut out the hideous oleander in the front yard. Now I just need to get the stumps dug out.
Trimming the palm trees and cutting out the oleander made a huge mess. I gathered everything up and got it loaded on the trailer.
With Marcia back on Sunday, we made a trip to the dump north of town. After you weigh on the scales, you drive around to the building with bays to back in and unload.
It only took us about 10 tries to get the timing right, but Marcia was finally able to get a good action shot of me unloading the wood.
One other project I worked on was scraping up all the landscaping rock from the north side of the pool and dumping it over in the area where there used to be grass. We are going to cover that area up and then get a couple loads of new rock to spread over the entire yard. In the picture below, you can see where I got all the rock removed and then we put down the pavers for a walkway and positioned our grill.
Here's a view of where I dumped all the rock. You can see I got the whole area covered except a small part behind the chiminea that still has some grass showing.
On Sunday after getting back from the dump, Marcia helped me haul some more rock. I had a huge pile that I had scraped up a few months back and we covered up the area in the front yard where the red dirt was. The following three pictures show the front after we finished.
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