Midwest Vacation -Part 1
Friday night, June 1, Marcia and I hurried home from work and headed towards the airport. Our flight left for Des Moines at 6pm AZ time and landed by 11pm in Des Moines. We got the rental car and drove a mile down the road and stayed the night at the Comfort Inn.
Saturday morning, we went over to Matt and Lori's house. They gave us a tour and then we loaded up in two cars and took off for Ottumwa. We made a pit stop in Pella to go to Jaarsma Bakery and get fresh donuts. A few miles south of Pella, Lori had to stop and feed Ethan. We pulled over at the Tassel Ridge Winery. They were open, so we went in to check things out. Before we knew it, we were on a tour of their winery and then they let us sample the different wines they produce. Neither Marcia or I have ever liked wine that much, but they had some that were awesome. We ended up buying 2 bottles of wine we liked and got back on the road.
We met Marcia's grandparents and aunt and uncle at the Country Kitchen for lunch. After lunch, we all headed to her grandparents house to visit. Here's the whole crew in the kitchen.

Ethan's a fairly quiet fella. He doesn't really say much in between his naps.
After visiting for a couple hours, Matt and Lori headed back to Des Moines and Marcia and I took off for my parents house in Tama. We stopped at the Taco Johns in Ottumwa to eat supper. For those of you keeping track, the Taco Johns count is now at 1. Just behind the Taco Johns is a nice lake that branches off the river going through the city.

On the north side of Ottumwa was another place we couldn't go past without stopping. Virgil was in heaven roaming through the isles of the TSC store.

As we continued north, we came to Oskaloosa. We tried to go into the Orscheln farm store, but got there right as they were closing, so there wasn't much time to look around. For those of you keeping track, the farm store count is now at 2. Marcia also wanted to drive by the high school and see all of the changes they have made since she attended there.

We finally made it to the farm around 8pm. My dad was sitting out at the shed waiting for us. Looks like he had been busy mowing so everything looked nice for the BBQ the next day.

Saturday morning, we went over to Matt and Lori's house. They gave us a tour and then we loaded up in two cars and took off for Ottumwa. We made a pit stop in Pella to go to Jaarsma Bakery and get fresh donuts. A few miles south of Pella, Lori had to stop and feed Ethan. We pulled over at the Tassel Ridge Winery. They were open, so we went in to check things out. Before we knew it, we were on a tour of their winery and then they let us sample the different wines they produce. Neither Marcia or I have ever liked wine that much, but they had some that were awesome. We ended up buying 2 bottles of wine we liked and got back on the road.
We met Marcia's grandparents and aunt and uncle at the Country Kitchen for lunch. After lunch, we all headed to her grandparents house to visit. Here's the whole crew in the kitchen.
Ethan's a fairly quiet fella. He doesn't really say much in between his naps.
After visiting for a couple hours, Matt and Lori headed back to Des Moines and Marcia and I took off for my parents house in Tama. We stopped at the Taco Johns in Ottumwa to eat supper. For those of you keeping track, the Taco Johns count is now at 1. Just behind the Taco Johns is a nice lake that branches off the river going through the city.
On the north side of Ottumwa was another place we couldn't go past without stopping. Virgil was in heaven roaming through the isles of the TSC store.
As we continued north, we came to Oskaloosa. We tried to go into the Orscheln farm store, but got there right as they were closing, so there wasn't much time to look around. For those of you keeping track, the farm store count is now at 2. Marcia also wanted to drive by the high school and see all of the changes they have made since she attended there.
We finally made it to the farm around 8pm. My dad was sitting out at the shed waiting for us. Looks like he had been busy mowing so everything looked nice for the BBQ the next day.
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